Thyroid self-assessment Test
The test that was developed for the Book Thyroid Power: Ten Steps to Total Health [Paperback] by Dr. Richard L Shames, M.D. and Dr. Karilee Halo Shames, R.N., Ph.D. This test is not a complete guide that you have a thyroid condition but can lead you in the direction of whether testing is necessary.
The following is a list of symptoms, conditions, and signs that could be indicators of low thyroid. Take this self-assessment to see if you should receive further testing, or a trial of thyroid hormone, regardless of test results.
I. Symptoms
Give yourself 5 points for significant fatigue, and 1 point for each additional ‘yes’ answer.
- Significant fatigue, lethargy, sluggishness, or history of low thyroid at an earlier age (5 points)
- Hoarseness for no particular reason
- Chronic recurrent infection(s)
- Decreased sweating even with mild exercise
- Depression, to the point of being a bothersome problem
- A tendency to be slow to heat up, even in a sauna
- Constipation despite adequate fiber and liquids in diet
- Brittle nails that crack or peel easily
- High cholesterol despite good diet
- Frequent headaches (especially migraines)
- Irregular menses, PMS, ovarian cysts, endometriosis
- Unusually low sex drive
- Red face with exercise
- Accelerated worsening of eyesight or hearing
- Palpitations or uncomfortably noticeable heartbeat
- Difficulty in drawing a full breath, for no apparent reason
- Mood swings, especially anxiety, panic, or phobia
- Gum problems
- Mild choking sensation or difficulty swallowing
- Excessive menopause symptoms, not well relieved with estrogen
- Major weight gain
- Aches and pains of limbs, unrelated to exertion
- Skin problems of adult acne, eczema, or severe dry skin
- Vague and mildly annoying chest discomfort, unrelated to exercise
- Feeling off balance
- Infertility
- Annoying burning or tingling sensations that come and go
- The experience of being colder than other people around you
- Difficulty maintaining standard weight with a sensible food intake
- Problems with memory, focus, or concentration
- More than normal amounts of hair come out in the brush or shower
- Difficulty maintaining stamina throughout the day
II. Related Conditions: Give yourself 5 points for autoimmune illness, and one point for each additional ‘yes’ answer.
Have you ever had:
- Any of these autoimmune disorders: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, sarcoidosis, scleroderma, Sjogren’s syndrome, biliary cirrhosis, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, thrombocytopenia (decreased blood platelets) 5 points
- Prematurely gray hair
- Anemia, especially the B-12 deficiency type
- Dyslexia
- Persistent unusual visual changes
- Rapid cycle bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness)
- Raynaud’s syndrome (white or blue discoloration of fingers or toes when cold)
- Mitral valve prolapse
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Persistent tendonitis or bursitis
- Atrial fibrillation
- Alopecia (losing hair, especially in discrete patches)
- Calcium deficiency
- Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
- Vitiligo (persistent large white patches on skin)
- Neck injury, such as whiplash or blunt trauma
III. Family History: give yourself 5 points for blood relatives ever having a thyroid problem, and 1 point for each additional ‘yes’ answer.
Have any of your blood relatives ever had:
- High or low thyroid, or thyroid goiter (5 points)
- Prematurely gray hair
- Complete or partial left-handedness
- Diabetes
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Lupus
- Sarcoidosis
- Scleroderma
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- Biliary cirrhosis
- Myasthenia gravis
- Multiple sclerosis
- Crohn’s disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- Thrombocytopenia (decreased blood platelets)
IV. Signs: give yourself 5 points for low basal temperature, and 1 point for each additional ‘yes’ answer.
Have you or your doctor observed any of the following:
- Low basal temperature in early morning (average of less than 97.6 degrees over 7 days)
- Slow movements, slow speech, slow reaction time
- Muscle weakness
- Thick tongue (seemingly too big for mouth)
- Swelling of feet
- Swelling of eyelids or bags under eyes
- Decreased color of lips or yellowing of skin
- Swelling at base of neck (enlarged thyroid gland)
- Asymmetry, lumpiness, or other irregularity of thyroid gland
- Swelling of face
- Excess ear wax
- Dry mouth and/or dry eyes
- Noticeably cool skin
- Excessively dry or excessively coarse skin
- Especially low blood pressure
- Decreased ankle reflexes or normal reflexes with slow recovery phase
- Noticeably slow pulse rate without having exercised regularly
- Loss of outer one-third of eyebrows
Score interpretation: Add up your grand total of points from all four categories above.
- 5 points: only mildly indicative of low thyroid
- 10 points: somewhat suspicious for low thyroid. Possible actions: obtain TSH level as first screening test.
- 15 points: very suspicious for low thyroid. Possible actions: obtain additional tests if TSH is normal
- 20 points: likely to be low thyroid. Possible action: obtain all possible blood testing to help confirm a diagnosis.
- 25 or more points: very likely to be low thyroid. Possible actions: obtain a trial of thyroid medicine, regardless of blood test results.