Gluten Free Chocolate Ginger Cookie

Ingredients (makes 2 dozen)

– 1/2 – 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips or 1/4″ chocolate chunks

– 1 1/2 cups brown rice flour

– 1/2 cup potato flour

– 1/4 cup tapioca flour

– 1/8 tsp xanthan gum

– 1 1/4 tsp ground ginger

– 1 tsp ground cinnamon

– 1/4 tsp ground cloves

– 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg

– 1 Tbsp cocoa powder

– 8 Tbsp (1 stick) unsalted butter or Earth Balance

– 1 Tbsp freshly grated ginger

– 1/2 cup dark brown sugar, packed

– 1/2 cup unsulfured molasses

– 1 tsp baking soda

– 1/4 cup granulated sugar


Line two baking sheets with parchment paper to prevent overcooking the cookie bottoms.  Heat oven to 325 degrees.

In a medium bowl, mix together flours, xanthan gum, ground ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and cocoa powder.

With an electric mixer in a separate bowl; beat together butter and grated ginger until whitened, about 4 minutes.  Add brown sugar; beat until combined.  Add molasses; beat until combined.

In a small bowl, dissolve baking soda in 1 1/2 teaspoons boiling water.  Beat half of flour mixture into butter mixture.  Beat in baking soda mixture, then add the remaining half of flour mixture.  Mix in chocolate.  Turn dough out onto a large piece of waxed paper.  Pat or roll dough out to about 1 inch thick; wrap dough with waxed paper.  Refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours.

Pour granulated sugar into bowl.  Roll dough into 1 1/2 inch balls, dip in granulated sugar.  Place balls on parchment lined baking sheets, sugared side up.  Bake until the top surface cracks slightly, about 10-12 minutes.  Let cool 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool.

Jade Windscreen tincture for your immunity boost!

Catch colds, allergic rhinitis or flu easily?

There is a famous Chinese formula called Jade Windscreen (Yu Ping Feng San) which can enhance the natural line of defense to ward off sickness. In this formula which consists of: Astragalus, White Atractylodes, Ledebouriella, we often ask patients to take the tincture who have recurrent colds. Although it is effective in treating this problem, it does take one month before any effect is demonstrated. When taking Jade Screen regularly, less severe colds occur.

In Chinese classical formula texts, Jade Windscreen can protect against invasion by exterior pathogens by strengthening your defense qi. It is commonly used to treat spontaneous sweating and increased susceptibility to invasion of exterior pathogens due to a deficiency. This formula uses a large dose of Radix Astragali (Huang Qi) to strengthen the body’s defense mechanism. There is also research which shows modified Jade Windscreen can be used for end-stage cancer patients who frequently suffer from idiopathic sweating and loss of appetite and the results are effective.

Overall, Jade Windscreen is a remarkable formula that can boost the immune system in various ways and it is recognized for its applications beyond prevention of colds and treatments on asthma and side effects of cancer treatments.


Benefits of Probiotics

When taking care of our gut, (which is our bodies gatekeeper) we have to look at the bacteria that live there and their specific job and functions.

The gut has about 100 trillion bacteria in the body.
10 bacteria to every 1 human body cell (kind of important huh?)
So how do we make sure that you take care of your gut flora even if you are already taking probiotics?

Take probiotics: Fermented foods like Kombocha, kimchi and raw sauerkraut as well as in pill form are best. Yogurt is not always the best as many people have trouble-processing dairy.

Avoid Fatty foods: Research done on mice showed that fatty foods can damage the lining of the gut as well as increase the population of some un-friendly bacteria.

Eat probiotics: These are non digestible carbohydrates that are found in onions, garlic, leeks, artichokes, asparagus and chicory root as well as some whole grains.

Control your stress: Stress has been shown to change your gut flora make up which leads to inflammation and a higher population of negative bacteria.

Control Candida/Bacteria: If your gut is out of balance you can take herbs, prescribed by a natural practitioner that will kill yeast and negative bacteria without damaging your healthy flora.

Common cause of leaky gut is ingesting foods that a person is allergic to- what comes first the leaky gut or allergies?

What Causes Leaky Gut?

Some experts will state that the most common cause of leaky gut is ingesting foods that a person is allergic to. So what comes first the leaky gut or allergies? We just don’t know yet!

What is Leaky Gut?

This is a condition where partially digested foods, toxins or bacteria pass through the normally tight knit wall of the small intestine into the bloodstream. The body then scans the larger than normal particles of food, bacteria or toxin and creates an autoimmune response to what it deems as foreign matter.

What is the body’s reaction to a Leaky Gut?

The intestinal wall has a series of microvilli that have tiny hairs on them that sense the food and will absorb nutrients and move them through intracellular epithelial cells of the small intestine. That is the normal healthy route. When there is a leaky gut, there is disruption of the tight junctions between epithelial cells or transcellular entry through the epithelial cells themselves. The body then has a release of Lipopolysaccharides (damage of the epithelial membrane), actomyosin (epithelial cell damage tissue), Occludin/Zonulin (tight junctions between cells) each of these go through to the blood stream which looks at them with your immune system called the T-Cells. They are not supposed to be in the blood stream so the T-Cells send out anti-bodies against your own cellular tissue.

The antibodies cause your own body to respond with inflammation, allergic reactions and a whole host of unpleasant symptoms.

What are the symptoms of Leaky Gut?

The list is vast and we are now seeing even more correlations to immunological issues. Many of the conditions we deem as auto-immune may have a huge impact on how well our gut or intestines function. For example, some brain diseases like Alzheimer’s are found to have a high association with Leaky gut, in which one’s own body starts attacking the brain leading to degeneration. This can occur throughout the body systems.

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Impaired Immune Function
  • Recurrent Candida infections
  • Impaired memory
  • Moodiness or irritability
  • Bloating or Flatulence
  • Fuzzy cognition and poor concentration/fatiguing easily while doing brain related tasks
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Skin rashes
  • Constipation or diarrhea

How do you determine if a person has a Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Testing is done to determine if a patient has leaky gut, by a blood serum test through a lab company that specializes in immunologic testing. The test is a basic screen for leaky gut and will test for the following:

  • Actomyosin IgA – Epithelial cell damage (intestinal wall cells)
  • Occludin/Zonulin IgG/IgA/IgM – Tight junction damage to the walls of the intestine
  • Lippopolysaccharides IgG/IgA/ IgM – Permeability and dysbiosis or bacteria leaking into the blood stream through the intestine wall

If further testing is needed to determine if certain foods like gluten or nuts are the immune reactors, then these can be tested as well to see if the brain is also being affected.

How do you Treat Leaky Gut?

Treatment depends on what the doctor determines is the main cause of the leaky gut. Here are all the possibilities and the most likely treatment actions.

  1. Micro-Flora – this will need to be replaced and boosted to enhance immunity and heal the gut. Lactobacilli are mostly in the upper small intestine and bifidobacteria live in the lower small and large intestine.
    Treatment will be a specific Probiotic that has a large number of organisms and is very diverse to see the whole intestinal tract.
  2. Detoxification – this will be a treatment to kill the unhealthy flora in the intestine and can be tested by a stool sample or just treat to make sure that you are cleaned out.
    The Treatment will be herbs that kill candida, bacteria and other negative microflora but will not kill beneficial microflora so that you have a restored balance to your gut.
  3. Enzymes – This will be something to make sure you are breaking down food completely so that while the gut is healing large particles are not being transported into the blood stream causing immune reactions.
    Treatment is Digestive Enzymes usually taken at meals to help break down foods and your doctor will help you select the correct one for your system.
  4. Gut Healing – This is also similar to amino acids that are especially made for the gut, so that healing will occur and won’t leak – causing autoimmune type reactions.
    Treatment is usually a Glutamine powder that may contain some other herbs to help you. Your doctor will help you select the correct type so that you can gain the most benefit.

Diet Changes – Your doctor will want the end goal to be using your food as medicine and this may mean doing an Elimination diet and then slowly re-introducing foods. The purpose is so you can see what causes a reaction in your body and what doesn’t. If you are unable to do this with diet, your doctor may order a comprehensive food allergy panel that tests 190 foods to determine what causes you to have an immune reaction.

This is a basic treatment outline and there are many variations based on history and test results. Make sure your doctor is qualified and ready to handle your specific case, and you can help this process by giving a detailed intake form and history when you meet with your doctor.

