Get your family organized with these simple tips

Having a disorganized household causes stress in the house. Happy families begin with happy parents and is essential to your health and happiness and your kids as well. Here are some tips to get organized in your household and marriage.

Get an organizing system in place that works for you and your family on a daily basis.
Your kids are old enough in first grade and maybe even kindergarten to put their clothes on, so lay them out the night before or let them pick them out. This can be one less item for mom/dad to scramble with in the morning.
Be detailed; if they are wearing tennis shoes, make sure the outfit has socks.

Get their backpack all set up and lay it by the door. We have a hook where it goes in our house so everything is easy to pick up as we leave the house.
Make lunches the night before and as you use up lunch items, write them down on your grocery list. Use Pinterest to help you utilize healthy foods in your kids lunches as well. We moved to a bento box style lunch box to reduce the number of sandwiches and it helped us mix it up.

Get the school calendar out and input it into your home calendar.
This way you can have baby-sitting lined up for when you need it and also prepares you for field trips, teacher training days so you/your spouse can plan for time off work.

Get your kids into bed earlier than summertime.
This may sound mundane; but if they get adequate rest then you won’t have to drag them out of bed. If you can get your planning done for the next day and get the kids into bed at a reasonable time- then mom and dad will be healthier and even happier.

Plan a babysitter for Date night.
The school year is busy and kids have after school activities such as music lessons, swimming or soccer; but studies have shown happy families begin with happy mom’s and dad’s and reconnecting with your relationship is essential to your health and happiness and your kids as well.
Your date night doesn’t have to be too extravagant. Make it simple since you have to work tomorrow and take care of kids. Take the time to chat with each other often to keep connected.
Also consider doing what’s called “ home dates.” Check out this website that has some great ones.

How to keep a healthy balance.

How to keep a healthy balance

1. Surround yourself with people who help you grow

This is important because love gives us energy and energy is life. When we have people in our life that either take our energy or don’t love us and cause pain and hurt, it takes our energy away from being who we are.

2. Eating Healthy

When we put healthy food in our body, we can have a clear mind and body to function at our best. Some of the common foods to reduce in our diet are sugar, caffeine, wheat and dairy. You can always try eliminating food and see if your body reacts.

3. Spend time doing something you love

It is good to have things in your life that bring you joy and it’s usually better to choose things that are only yours. Spending time with your partner and kids is fine but it needs to be something you can turn to even if you are all alone. Gardening, crafts, cooking, sports, photography are all things you can choose that can be a solo activity enjoyed on your own.

7 Tips for Allergy Relief

Allergy Hygiene

Remove hat, outer shirt and shoes in your garage after a walk outdoors during pollen season. Pollen will cling to your clothes and keep exposing you long after you have come indoors. Wash your face as well which will help pollen stay away from your mucus membranes.

Keep Windows Closed and run your Air Conditioner with HEPA Filters

Consult your local HVAC professional to determine the correct filter for you and your household. You may also want to get the air ducts cleaned as this can be a source of dust and mold.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Take 1 tbsp in the morning during the allergy season. The theory is that it helps the mucous flow and cleanses the lymphatics so there is no build up.


They help balance the immune response since current research is stating that most allergies are due to an imbalance in the body. There are also studies that link large amounts of beneficial bacteria to fewer allergy incidents.

Quercetin Supplement

It is nature’s antihistamine. It stabilizes the mast cells so they don’t release any more histamine, which is the cause of all those miserable symptoms.

Diet Changes

Going on a GAPS based diet or an anti-inflammatory diet can be enough to reduce the allergy threshold and decrease allergy symptoms. It is especially important to remove any foods you know you are allergic to.

Netti Pot or Nasal Rinse System

Put 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt in 1 quart of boiled water then rinse (you can also buy pre-made solutions). Do 2 times daily for best results (morning and evening). It cleans all the particles out of the nose that may have collected at night with an open window or during the day while out and about.

Spring Cleaning for a Healthier Home

You may not have time for a full-blown house cleaning, but we have a suggestion for 10 things you should throw out for a healthier cleaner home.

1. Makeup – toss out all makeup you haven’t used in 6 months.
2. Too Small Clothing – ones you haven’t fit in maybe ever. We sometimes buy clothes that don’t fit us well or aren’t that comfortable but our guilt makes us keep them. We say donate or toss.
3. Mismatched Tupperware – Throw it out or buy lids that fit. This takes up less cabinet space. In our office, we prefer glass containers for leftovers because there are less toxins present than in plastic.
4. Library of Magazines – Recycle this stack if you haven’t looked at them in over 6 months.
5. Art – Children’s artwork or old pictures. If you are emotionally attached to them, scan them or keep them in a digital file stored in your safe. But many pieces of paper you have around are not important and can be recycled.
6. Old shoes – There are shoes you may love but are broken or ones that don’t fit well; toss them.
7. Gifting – Get rid of your regifting shelf to provide a less cluttered environment in your home and life.
8. Old Electronics – Phones, MP3, IPODS, IPADS, or ones that you no longer use; recycle them.
9. Broken Jewelry – Send or sell and turn it into cash.
10. Bags – recycle old gift bags, grocery bags and get rid of plastic bags.

Top New Year’s Resolution

Top New year’s Resolutions that people made and in-Health Clinics healthy hopeful list of Resolutions.

In Health


Move 20 minute a day

Lose Weight

Have your desk ergonomics evaluated

Self improvements

Drink More Water

Quit Smoking

Detox your liver 1x a year

Spend more time with friends

Eat 1 type of vegetable per meal

Find a better job

Plan family time in your schedule

Do more exciting things

Plan down time for yourself daily

Better Financial Decisions

We hope that you will make changes that will benefit your health and that of your family. If you take care of yourself, then you can take better care of your family. If we at In Health Clinic can help you in any way to help with your health goals, never hesitate to call us.

Natural Digestion Aids for your Gut

So the holidays are coming or your neighbors annual BBQ is around the corner, but all of these events just give you heartburn, gas, constipation or diarrhea.  This may be a sign that you have some food allergies, our gut needs to heal from something, or it may be as simple as needing some digestive assistance.  Here are our quick and easy digestive help aids. Remember if these aren’t the answer, talking to one of our doctors may be a better long-term solution.

  • Heartburn – Marshmallow tea or Slippery Elm powder (powder’s are nice since they heal mouth the stomach)
  •  Slow Digestion – Digestive enzymes (amylase, lipase, proteases)- help break down items like steak or holiday goodies
  •  Tummy ache – papaya enzymes or activated charcoal
  •  Diarrhea – Probiotics 50 Billion, Glutamine Powder
  •  Constipation – Probiotics 25 Billion, Yellow aloe

Houseplants that Make us Healthy

The air indoors, especially in the winter months can get a nasty build up of a wide variety of particles and gasses just from our daily lives. The American Lung Association voiced great concern that as a nation we have low-quality air and it can be connected with allergy problems and asthma.

One of the easiest ways to clean the air in your home or office is to add a few potted plants which scrub out pollutants naturally. (This is why our office has some wonderful living friends) The plants absorb the Carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, benzene and release a pure oxygen in return.

If you don’t have a green thumb – don’t worry, B.C. Wolverton Ph.D and author of the book, “How to Grow Fresh Air” states that the easiest plants to grow are also the best purifiers. Here is a short list to help you start purifying your air:

  • Snake plants or Mother-in-law’s tongue
  • Peace lily
  • English ivy
  • Gerbera Daisy
  • Dracaena
  • Spider plant
  • Philodendron
  • Ferns
  • Areca palm
  • Money Plant

So how many plants do you need to purify your house? Here is a rule of thumb tested by NASA, 1 house plant to every 100 feet of your home. But some research done by Kamal Meattle says you only need 3 plants; 1 in the living room, 1 in the bedroom and 1 in the kitchen.

5 Tips to Stop the panic of the holidays

When the holidays are here we have too many parties and social errands to run, we can get overwhelmed. Anxiety or panic attacks can happen to all of us and will generally feel like your heart is racing, you can’t catch your breath, dizziness or lightheadedness, sometimes narrowing vision and sudden fatigue. If you know one is coming or you are only experiencing one or two of the symptoms, we suggest the following tips for both stopping an attack and preventing one.

  1. Stop and slow your breathing, focusing on the exhalation of breath more than the inhalation. This can be done easier when sitting up very straight(but can be done standing in a check out line if necessary)
  2. Change your own current atmosphere: examples – leave a store, drink a cold glass of water, focus on a joke or on something unique and odd to you. All of these examples are changing your mental atmosphere even if you can’t change your current environment.
  3. Don’t avoid trigger situations entirely; simply lessen the time of exposure so that you don’t create a greater fear response in the future to certain settings.
  4. Keep a journal and figure out what is triggering your anxiety. Writing during an attack has actually been shown to be calming and you can write on anything you choose.
  5. Suck on a peppermint. The act of sucking on something like a mint or candy is a soothing response in humans and does release good hormones. In this busy season, carry your favorite mint to keep the stress down.

7 Ways to Make your Workday Happier

  1. Find Meaning in what you do.
    Most jobs have a meaningful and helpful side to them. A story of three stone workers was told and one stated he was making a living, one said he was doing the best job he could and the third said he was building a Cathedral. There is a high purpose in all jobs so find yours.
  2. Personalize your workspace or environment.
    Most jobs have a desk where pictures and plants are allowed, but if you don’t have a desk maybe you have a locker you can personalize. Remember to not only have the picture of the family but a fun item that reminds you to do a good job, ex: a wizard hat to remind you to work wonders.
  3. If you are seated most of the day, take a walk.
    If you are at a desk, getting up at least one time an hour can have huge health benefits and if you get too absorbed in what you do, you should drink water constantly. This makes you have to go to the bathroom more. The bathroom is a great way to force you to take a break.
  4. Get to know your coworkers.
    By investing in other people, your work environment will not only be for work, but you will find a work family and home and not feel like a cog in the machine. Seeing real people at the job you do makes your job significantly more fulfilling.
  5. Make the most of your commute.
    75 percent of commuters travel alone for an average of 50 minutes a day. This can be a great time to call family or old friends you haven’t caught up with in awhile. By hearing about others and visiting, you will forget the work and commute stress. Audiobooks can be a great use of time making you smarter and more educated or just giving you a good laugh.
  6. Challenge yourself.
    You may not have the most important job, but if you feel bored or unappreciated, try setting goals for yourself and it will boost your performance. Measuring your own success is the most fulfilling thing.
  7. See the Light.
    If you work in a dark office or warehouse, bring a full spectrum bulb in and put it in a inexpensive desk lamp. Turning it on for just 1 hour a day can significantly boost your mood and production. Taking a walk at lunch or eating outside, even if it is cold can also get much needed mood boosting rays.

How to properly Cook with Oil


The word “oil” often brings negative connotations associated with fats that are in foods.  However, we need to recognize that there are both good and bad oils and good and bad fats.  A good oil or fat may start out healthy but may become unhealthy when we use it or cook it the wrong way.  Our general instincts may be to avoid fats. But when armed with a little knowledge, you can choose healthy oils and fats and use them to maximize health benefits.  Remember: If the oil goes beyond its smoke point, it will lose the health benefits so pay close attention to temperatures!

Smoke point & Suggested Use
Health Benefits
Avocado Oil 520° High Heat sautéing, dressing and dip Green color and delicate avocado taste Lower blood pressure & boosts absorption of antioxidants
Rice-Bran Oil 490° High Heat pan frying and sautéing Mild flavor lets food flavor stand-out Lowers Cholesterol & potential anticancer agent
Grape seed Oil 425° good for baking & high-heat sautéing Very neutral High in Vitamin E & omega 6 fatty acids
Macadamia-Nut Oil 450° Medium heat.
Stir frying & vinaigrettes
Subtle macadamia nut taste best with Asian dishes More oleic acid than olive oil           (fatty acid)
Sesame Oil 350° Medium heat good for baking & marinades Sweet nutty taste Keeps cholesterol & blood sugar low
Coconut Oil 325° Medium heat baking & sautéing Distinct coconut flavor Lauric acid good for cholesterol levels also antiviral & antibacterial
Walnut Oil 320° Medium heat good for drizzling over cooked vegetables Savory with slight walnut flavor. Rich in Melatonin a sleep regulating hormone
Roasted Pumpkin-Seed Oil 250° Low heat works for salad dressing Smoky and earthy Heart healthy fatty acid, & eases symptoms of prostate enlargement
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 300° but varies with company Distinct Olive oil flavor Immune boosting, antibacterial & anti-fungal

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