Pregnancy Health and Preparation Check List

First Trimester:

Week 1-7:  Baby’s heart and face as well as the placenta are taking shape and forming.

Symptoms: Fatigue, breast tenderness and perhaps morning sickness.

To do:

    1. Eat well
    2. Take Prenatal Vitamins
    3. Schedule first pregnancy check-up with an OB/GYN or Midwife
    4. Schedule first Chiropractic visit to prevent major back pain during pregnancy
    5. Be excited at the new change

Week 8-13:  Baby doubles in size and begins building bones and cartilage.

Symptoms: Morning sickness, constipation and perhaps some insomnia.

To do:

    1. Eat fiber to combat constipation
    2. Take B6 vitamin liquid and/or Sepia to combat morning sickness (you will want a doctor’s recommendation on what kind)
    3. Blood work with your Doctor
    4. Second Chiropractic visit to prevent major back pain during your pregnancy.

Second Trimester:

Week 14-19:  Baby starts sucking and you may begin to feel some movement or kicks.

Symptoms:  Weight gain, dental issues, baby movement, low back pain and leg cramping.

To do:

    1. Start taking a Calcium and Magnesium blend nightly to give baby enough to build strong bones and prevent leg cramps for mom (you will want a doctor’s recommendation on dosage)
    2. Yoga or Stretching for low back and butt muscles
    3. Chiropractic visit for low back and butt as they may be getting painful from the hormones in your body
    4. Start using belly cream to prevent stretch marks
    5. To prevent gestational diabetes take a blood sugar support if you are having more sugar cravings

Week 20-27:  Baby starts to breath and facial features form.

Symptoms:  Linea Nigra may appear (dark line down center of the belly), belly button pops out, and swelling of feet and ankles may occur. You can’t deny you are pregnant!

To do:

    1. Anatomy Check Ultrasound – this is when you can find out the gender
    2. Chiropractic visit for low back adjustment but as the baby continues to grow, it gets painful from the hormones in your body
    3. Begin Acupuncture to help prepare body for labor
    4. Start a Labor Prep class:  (we like “Birthing from Within”)
    5. Register at a store or online for your baby shower- while you still feel mobile enough to wander the baby store
    6. Decide if you are using a doula
    7. Decide if you want to do placenta encapsulation and then hire a doula to do this

Third Trimester:

Week 28-35:  Baby’s brain is growing fast, starts sucking and breathing and testicles will drop if present.

Symptoms:  Aching back due to enlarging belly, frequent urination, and possible Braxton Hick’s contractions.

To do:

    1. Pack the hospital bag  (see list of recommended items)
    2. Finalize Birth Plan and discuss with midwife or OB/GYN
    3. Take hospital tour either in person or virtually
    4. Chiropractic visit to make sure baby is in the head down position
    5. Acupuncture to prepare for labor
    6. Start or finish the baby’s nursery

Week 36-41:  Some doctors say you are full term and baby can come anytime now.

Symptoms:  Aching back due to enlarging belly, frequent urination, possible Braxton Hick’s contractions and excitement to meet baby.

To do:

    1. Put car seat in the car
    2. Keep old towels or pads in the car in case your water breaks (doesn’t happen to all women)
    3. Acupuncture two times a week during weeks 39 and 40 to prepare for labor
    4. Chiropractic one time during weeks 38 and 39.  If you go to 40-41 you may want to come in again
    5. Start labor tincture and homeopathic regimen to support a smooth labor (you will want a doctor to help you with this)

Post Partum

Symptoms:  Back pain, perineal tearing, hemorrhoids, breast tenderness and nipple pain, fatigue and crying spells.

To do:

    1. Adrenal Support (talk to your doctor) for fatigue and crying spells
    2. Sitz bath herbs to heal perineal area
    3. Suppositories for hemorrhoids
    4. Pad-siciles ( soak several large pads in witch hazel or water and place in a bag in the freezer to help with tearing pain)
    5. Raspberry tea for uterine tonic
    6. Homeopathic remedies to help healing (talk to your doctor)
    7. Epsom Salt bath: 1 cup Epsom Salts in hot bath. Soak 15-20 minutes.  Helps speed healing and sooth tissues.
    8. Tea or Herbs if you need to increase milk production
Hospital Bag:

*Make sure the car seat is in the car about three weeks before your due date and make sure it is secure.

1.  2 receiving blankets – for me muslin is best since we’re having a July baby

2.  Cap – but probably won’t use due to heat

3.  2 pairs scratch prevention mittens

4.  2 pairs of little newborn socks

5.  Hand sanitizer for use after touching hospital items

6.  Baby wipes – cloth or wet depending on your preference

7.  Nail clippers, comb, and coconut oil for baby’s bottom (to prevent meconium from sticking) and a nasal aspirator

8.  Newborn diapers

9.  3 undershirts

10.  2-3 “Going home” outfits as you may change your mind on which one you like best!

11.  Pediatrician information


1.  Flip-flops

2.  At least 4 large size pads or Depends underwear

4.  Socks that are comfy

5.  Sports bra and nursing bra

6.  3 pairs underwear

7.  PJs that make nursing easy

8.  Going home outfit – maxi dress or large stretch pants to fit over pad, and loose at waist

9.  Snacks for you and dad – bars, honey sticks, fruit smashes, popsicles, juice

10.  Kleenex and sanitary wipes for hospital items

11.  Gum – helps some people focus during labor

12.  Phone numbers of your “must call” list:

a.  Parents

b.  Siblings

c.  Doula – who is doing placenta encapsulation

13.  Pen for paper work

14.  Hair tie / head band

15.  Travel size deodorant, body wash, shampoo, Chap Stick, toothbrush, hair comb, and make-up for pictures if you want

16.  Camera

17.  Cell phone and charger

18.  Laptop and charger for movies or while resting

19.  Nipple cream

20.  Change for the vending machine

Kinesio Tape: What it is and What to do with it.

What is the Kinesio Taping Method?

Kinesio taping helps the body’s natural healing process by supporting and stabilizing muscles without changing natural motion. Kinesio taping, also known as elastic therapeutic taping (ETT), was developed by Kenzo Kase, D.C. in Japan in the 1970s to use in chiropractic care.

How does Kinesio Tape work?

Kinesio taping creates a lifting effect on the skin that improves circulation and relaxes the muscles, which relieves pain. It is also helpful for reducing the edema and swelling that results from injury to any area of the body. The tape which is similar in texture and elasticity to living human skin, activates the body’s healing process by stimulating the neurological and circulatory systems. Because muscles help and support other areas of the body such as the circulatory system, lymphatic flow and body temperature, a muscular injury can cause many different types of symptoms.

What are the benefits of Kinesio Tape?

Kinesio Tape can be of help both pre and post-adjustment. Taping pre-adjustment can reduce pain making the adjustment much more comfortable for the patient, as well as reducing over-mobilization which can further damage tissue.  Post-adjustment taping can prolong the effects of the adjustment, help balance muscle tissue and speed local tissue healing. It can be viewed as an “on-going adjustment”, supporting muscle movement around the clock–long after the doctor’s hands are gone.

When is Kinesio Tape used?

Most often Kinesio Tape is used to treat acute and chronic injuries within the first 24 to 72 hours to increase lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling. After, it is used as support to keep tissue from moving in a direction that would cause further damage.

Kinesio tape has been seen on many athletes ranging from High School track stars to Olympians to protect a body part after surgery or to keep a weak joint stable. It is most popular among athletes and coaches because it is a non- restrictive taping that allows an athlete to perform normal movements but prevents the end ranges of motion that can cause pain and damage.  Conventional tape is still useful but it is restrictive to a joint. It should be used strictly for stabilization and support as it does restrict circulation flow.

What other conditions can be treated with Kinesio Tape?

Kinesio Tape is used for anything from headaches to foot problems and everything in between. Examples include: pediatric patients with muscular weakness, carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back strain/pain, knee conditions, shoulder conditions, hamstring, groin injury, rotator cuff injury, whiplash, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, patella tracking, pre and post surgical edema, ankle sprains, athletic preventative injury method, and as a support method.

Drs. Ho and Walker are trained in the proper use of Kinesio Tape and have experienced exceptional results with patients suffering from a wide array of symptoms.

Vegan Potato Leek Soup


1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
2 leeks, white and light green parts washed and sliced into 1/4-inch slices
2 cups chopped yellow onion
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 large Yukon Gold potatoes (1 lb.), peeled and cut into 1/2-inch cubes
4 cups vegetable stock
2-3 teaspoons fresh rosemary leaves

1. Heat a 4-quart soup pot over medium heat and add the oil.

2. Add the leeks, onion, and sea salt and sauté for about 5 minutes, stirring often, until the onion begins to turn translucent.

3. Add the garlic and stir well. Cook for 1 minute more.

4. Add the potatoes and vegetable stock, cover, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer. Cook 20 minutes.

5. Remove the soup from the heat and use an immersion/stick blender to blend the soup or cool slightly and use a traditional blender.  Blend the soup with the fresh rosemary leaves until smooth and free of chunks.

6. Warm over low heat until heated through. Serve hot.

Serves 4 – 6.

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10 Stress Busters

When the weather gets crisp and our thoughts turn to the holidays, our stress levels often rise while our good moods fall!  At in-Health Clinic, your health and well being are of the utmost importance to us. Stress can cause fatigue, a foul mood, a racing heart, and weakened immune system to name just a few.

To help you stay stress-free here are our top 10 holiday stress-reducing strategies to help you truly enjoy the season:

  1. Wake up 15 minutes earlier.  Waking up just a little earlier can give you enough time for a good breakfast and will prevent the need for rushing. Over time, rushing around can cause increased stress.
  2. Say no to extra social invitations and parties you truly don’t have time for and aren’t high on your priority list.
  3. Turn needs into preferences.  You don’t always need to make every holiday perfect. Get done what you can and have the most fun possible.
  4. Organize. Doing things in advance will keep you from that last minute panic. Get guest rooms ready, plan meals, have plenty of wrapping paper and maybe an extra generic gift or two on hand. Be sure to make lists so you don’t forget anything.
  5. Embrace forgiveness.  We live in an imperfect world and while forgiving and letting go may not make us forget, it will allow us to enjoy life more.
  6. Book a massage.  You may think you don’t have time, but taking a mid week evening off when someone can watch your kids will allow you to have an hour just to relax.
  7. Do one thing at a time.  Try not to think about all of your items on your to-do list as you are completing one task. It slows efficiency, and causes you to make more errors which keeps you from embracing and fully enjoying the moment.
  8. Do things you enjoy.  After all, ‘tis the season. Don’t fill it with things that neither you nor your family enjoy.
  9. Take the boredom out of waiting in line.  Have a fun book or movie downloaded on your phone or listen to your favorite tunes.
  10.  Procrastination is stressful.  Don’t wait until the night before Christmas or any other event to do all the shopping and preparing, plan ahead.

Raw Vegan Coconut truffles

1 cup dates

½ cup walnuts

½ cup almonds

½ cup + 2 Tablespoons raw cocoa powder

½ cup shredded unsweetened coconut

¼ cup maple syrup

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon almond extract

½ teaspoon salt

Extra coconut, cocoa powder or nuts for finishing.


In a food processor or Vitamix blend together the dates, walnuts and almonds until they form a crumble-paste. If it is too thick, add a little water, but only enough for it to come together. It shouldn’t be totally smooth; some nutty pieces are desirable. Add the cocoa powder and blend until mostly incorporated. Remove the nut mixture from food processor and place it in a large bowl. Fold in the remaining ingredients by hand.


Now it’s time to truffle. If the “dough” is too sticky at this point, place it in the freezer for 30 minutes until it rolls easily into balls. Measure the truffle mixture out as 1 heaping tablespoon each. Roll into balls and then toss in your desired topping.

While these could be eaten right away, the truffles are best when cold. For best results place the truffles in the freezer and allow to harden (at least 1 hour). Store the remaining truffles in the freezer and pull out 10 minutes before serving.

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