Acid Reflux & Acupuncture

What is acid reflux?

Also commonly known as heartburn, acid reflux can range from mild and infrequent to severe and constant.  There are many causes of this painful problem.  Some cases are diet sensitive, meaning the issue is caused or exacerbated by the intake of specific foods and drinks.  Some common culprits are coffee, alcohol (especially red wine), citrus fruit and juices, eggs, chocolate, and spicy foods.

Other cases involve structural problems such as a hiatal hernia.  This is when a portion of the stomach pushes up above the diaphragm.  Other people might suffer from overproduction of stomach acid.  This is also a common issue during pregnancy especially during the later months as the uterus takes up more space in the abdomen and creates upward pressure on the stomach.  Also, during pregnancy, the hormones relax the valve separating the stomach from the esophagus, allowing acid to move up out of the stomach.

Not only is heartburn unpleasant and painful, it can also cause damage to the lining of your esophagus if left untreated.  You can read about the long-term effects of untreated heartburn here:

How does Traditional Chinese Medicine help?

From a TCM perspective, acid reflux is diagnosed as Rebellious Stomach Qi.  The flow of the 12 main channels in the body all have a specific direction they follow.  The stomach channel flows from the face down to the feet.  This makes sense when you think about digestion in general.  We want the food to move down and out.  When the flow of qi is disrupted for whatever reason, the natural direction can be reversed which can cause belching, hiccuping, vomiting, and reflux. Think about when you have experienced indigestion.  Instead of food moving through your digestive tract as it should, it feels like it won’t go down and you may feel that upward movement of gas or food for several hours as your stomach and other digestive organs work hard to move it through.

Acupuncture redirects the qi in the stomach channel by opening blockages along the channel and restoring the channel’s natural downward movement.  Herbs are also extremely helpful, especially in cases of chronic heartburn.  Herbs can replace your over-the-counter heartburn medications such as Tums, Zantac, or Pepto Bismol as a natural alternative with fewer side effects and issues with long-term use.

What else can I do to lessen my discomfort?

Here are some simple tips for beating the burn:

  1. Sleep with your upper body slightly elevated.
  2. Don’t eat late at night.  Try to eat several hours before going to bed to give your body time to digest before laying flat.
  3. Try peppermint or ginger to aid general digestion.
  4. Take probiotics to ensure proper gut health.
  5. Reduce intake of exacerbating foods.  Pay attention to what flares your heartburn and remove it from your diet.
    Iris Martin, Light & Joy Acupuncture Inc.

Simple Sauerkraut

I am German and I have loved sauerkraut my whole life. My Grandmother’s Recipe is just salt and cabbage. For gut healing, I love the added caraway seed and carrots. I have included Abel James Sauerkraut Recipe for a healthy fermented food option, enjoy.

Prep time:
20 mins
Total time:
20 mins

A Simple Recipe to Reverse Leaky Gut, Lose Weight, and Boost Your Immune Function
Author: Abel James
Serves: 8

1 organic head of green cabbage (2 to 3 pounds)
1 to 2 tablespoons sea salt
1 large organic carrot, shredded
1 teaspoon caraway seeds (optional)

  1. Instructions:
    Thoroughly clean a wide-mouth mason jar, chopping knife, cutting board, large bowl, and your hands.
  2. Rinse the cabbage and carefully peel off the two outer layers.
  3. Lay the two cabbage leaves on top of your jar like a “lid.” Use a knife or clean scissors to cut the cabbage leaves about an inch wider than the jar all around. You’ll use these cabbage leaf rounds to hold the sauerkraut below the brining liquid in a later step.
  4. Quarter the head of cabbage and chop out the thick core from each quarter. Slice each cabbage quarter lengthwise into thin ribbons.
  5. Put each handful of cabbage you cut into a large bowl and sprinkle it with salt. Add salt as you go to help keep the cabbage crisp. In the end, you want to have added between 1 and 2 tablespoons of salt.
  6. Use your hands to massage the cabbage with the salt for 5 to 10 minutes, until it becomes watery and limp.
  7. Add the shredded carrot and caraway seeds to the cabbage and mix with your hands to combine.
  8. Take handfuls of the cabbage mixture and press them into the bottom of the mason jar, packing them tight with each handful so the liquid (created by salting and massaging in step 5) rises to the top over the cabbage.
  9. Take the cabbage rounds you cut in step 3) and press them into the jar so they hold the cabbage under the liquid.
  10. Wipe the jar mouth clean and cover it with a cloth, cheesecloth, or paper towel and secure it in place with a rubber band or twine. This allows air into the jar but prevents insects from getting in.
  11. Over the next 24 hours, press down on the cabbage leaves to keep the cabbage packed under the liquid as it ferments and rises. If needed, you can add more brining liquid by mixing filtered water with a bit of salt (1 teaspoon salt dissolved in 1 cup filtered water).
    Allow the sauerkraut to ferment at room temperature out of direct sunlight for 3 to 10 days, checking daily to make sure the cabbage is not floating above the liquid. Taste every few days until the desired taste is achieved.

The sauerkraut will keep in the sealed jar in the refrigerator for at least 2 months.

7 Tips for Allergy Relief

Allergy Hygiene

Remove hat, outer shirt and shoes in your garage after a walk outdoors during pollen season. Pollen will cling to your clothes and keep exposing you long after you have come indoors. Wash your face as well which will help pollen stay away from your mucus membranes.

Keep Windows Closed and run your Air Conditioner with HEPA Filters

Consult your local HVAC professional to determine the correct filter for you and your household. You may also want to get the air ducts cleaned as this can be a source of dust and mold.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Take 1 tbsp in the morning during the allergy season. The theory is that it helps the mucous flow and cleanses the lymphatics so there is no build up.


They help balance the immune response since current research is stating that most allergies are due to an imbalance in the body. There are also studies that link large amounts of beneficial bacteria to fewer allergy incidents.

Quercetin Supplement

It is nature’s antihistamine. It stabilizes the mast cells so they don’t release any more histamine, which is the cause of all those miserable symptoms.

Diet Changes

Going on a GAPS based diet or an anti-inflammatory diet can be enough to reduce the allergy threshold and decrease allergy symptoms. It is especially important to remove any foods you know you are allergic to.

Netti Pot or Nasal Rinse System

Put 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt in 1 quart of boiled water then rinse (you can also buy pre-made solutions). Do 2 times daily for best results (morning and evening). It cleans all the particles out of the nose that may have collected at night with an open window or during the day while out and about.

Answers to Stomach Pain: Peptic Ulcers And Acid Reflux

What are the common causes of stomach pain?

Some of the most common causes of stomach pain are gas, acid reflux, peptic ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, SIBO, food sensitivities and over eating.

What helps to differentiate the cause of the pain?

• Gas – Bloating and pressure in the tummy that may cause flatulence or just pain
• Diarrhea – bowel changes and frequent bathroom trips
• Stomach flu – Bowel changes, vomiting
• Food Sensitivities – stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea or bloating
• Constipation – bowel changes, straining during bowel movements, feel like have to go but not being able to
• Acid Reflux – burning in the throat, pain in the stomach or chest pain
• Peptic ulcers – stomach pain, burning in the stomach, belching
• SIBO – stomach pain, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, joint pain, fatigue

What is the treatment for each of these conditions?

• Gas – Activated Charcoal, removing gas causing foods, digestive enzymes or probiotics
• Diarrhea – change diet, probiotics, l-glutamine powder, food allergy testing
• Stomach flu – Drink broth and electrolytes when able, rest and BRAT diet
• Food Sensitivities – Remove irritable foods from diet, get allergy testing that tests both IgG and IgE antibodies (blood test), do a gut healing protocol with a doctor (see a standard protocol below).
• Constipation – change diet, probiotics, aloe vera liquid drink, fiber, food allergy testing, plenty of water, exercise, omega 3’s, prunes
• Acid Reflux – spoonful of baking soda (1/2 tsp baking soda in glass of water), aloe vera juice, no laying down after a meal, apple cider vinegar, stop smoking or drinking, chamomile tea
• Peptic ulcers – H. Pylori testing (stool or breath test), fenugreek, bananas, cabbage juice, DGL supplements
• SIBO – Glucose and lactulose breath testing, oregano oil, berberine, antibiotics, probiotics

When to go to the Doctor for stomach pain?

Any stomach pain that has lasted greater than 2 weeks and hasn’t responded to any of the home remedies you have tried warrants further investigation by a competent doctor. Pain that wakes you up at night is a good time to see the doctor, blood in your stool, eczema or rashes that won’t go away, not pooping daily even after taking probiotics, trouble eating or significant weight loss. If you have any of the above symptoms going on it is important to seek out a doctor. Our digestive health is very important and this is how we absorb nutrients to fight off infections. Living with an unhealthy gut can be detrimental to your overall health and your doctor will take these complaints very seriously.

What are Gut Healing Protocols? How would I do one?

Gut healing protocols usually come in several forms.
A stool sample can be taken to determine what imbalance exists. This type of individual should consult with a doctor to determine which substances can be used to help kill the harmful bacteria and restore balance to the Gut.
To determine true leaky gut, a blood test is needed and zonulin (intestinal permeablilty marker) is tested to determine if extra healing is needed in the tract to close the gaps and restore balance. If symptoms aren’t very severe, you can attempt an at-home protocol like the one seen below; however if more severe symptoms persist or the protocol isn’t helping, please seek a doctor for help.
Remove commonly gut harmful foods: Sugars, wheat grains (that aren’t sprouted), conventional meat products, dairy products, and sometimes eggs.
Add healthy Gut healing foods: Bone Broth, Fermented Foods (sauerkraut, kombucha, veggies, kimchi), Coconut products (medium chain triglycerides are easier to digest than other fats), Sprouted seeds (Chia, flax, pumpkin, hemp etc.)
Repair with Healing supplements: L-Glutamine, DGL, Quercetin, Digestive enzymes
Probiotic Balancing: Probiotics that have diverse species count and a prebiotic either from food (Soluble fiber items: legumes, beets, okra, apples, peas, carrots) or in a supplement form.

