Chiropractic adjustments for Ear Issues

What is the Ear?

The external ear is called the auricle. It is the pretty part of the ear that we see on the outside of the body and where we hook glasses or wear earrings. The mechanics of the ear exist inside the hole in the head into the auditory canal that proceed to the middle and inner ear. This is where most ear issues occur. The labyrinth is the organ of hearing inside the internal ear.
What are the most common ear problems?

  • Ear pain
  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Fluid in the Ears
  • Allergies

What is the Cause of Ear Pain?

Ear pain is most commonly caused by infection in the external ear (otitis externa) or the middle ear (otitis media). The infection itself can appear due to the following reasons; cold virus, secondary infection and/or swimming. Other causes of pain can be due to allergies that will cause fluid build up and pressure behind the ears themselves.

What is the Cause of Dizziness?

This is commonly a cause due to a spinal misalignment, allergies/ fluid in the ears and allergies. Some infections of the ear will also cause dizziness and nausea.

What is the cause of Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)?

It can occur due to age related hearing loss, fluid in the ears, a circulation problem or injury to the ear itself (physical trauma). Some head trauma has also been known to cause what is perceived as ringing in the ear.

How are ear conditions diagnosed?

The ear exam goes with a physical exam of the external ear. The doctor uses an otoscope and looks into the medial can and the eardrum to see if fluid is present. The doctor will look at the ear canal to determine if it is red and swollen or any damage like a scratch or foreign body is in the canal. If a patient has too much ear wax for the doctor to see, they will use an ear curette to remove the wax. The next part of the diagnoses comes from symptoms. Here is a short list of symptoms that accompany ear problems:

  • Headaches
  • Ear Pain
  • Tooth pain
  • Vertigo
  • Fullness in the ear
  • Ear itching
  • Tinnitus or ringing in the ear
  • Loss of hearing
  • Loss of balance

The doctor will then evaluate whether any of these symptoms are due to virus or infection by checking past history of illness or trauma and taking the patient’s temperature.

What are the common Diseases of the Ear and how are they treated?

  • Ear infection: Topical medication and/or oral antibiotic ( herbal alternatives available) and Chiropractic adjustments of the neck to drain fluids.
  • Vertigo: Chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture and Epley’s Maneuver
  • Tinnitus: Chiropractic adjustments or acupuncture (if these fail to relieve the ringing a neurologic exam is often warranted)
  • Meniere’s Disease: medication, acupuncture, or rehabilitation and in extreme cases surgery
  • Allergy related ear fullness: medication, acupuncture and massage

Sizzling Cilantro Lime Fajita Salad with Honey Lime Vinaigrette Recipe

2 Limes, juiced
2/3 C. Cilantro
2 Garlic Cloves
2 Tbl. Honey
1/2 C. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 Tbl. White Vinegar
1 tsp. Sea Salt

1/2 C. Cilantro
2 Limes, juiced
2 tsp. Sea Salt
2 Garlic Cloves
1 tsp. Cumin
1 tsp. Chili Powder
1/4 C. Olive Oil

4 Chicken Breasts, cut into strips (can also buy Trader Joes just chicken cooked strips to save time)
1 Large Yellow Onion, peeled and sliced
1 Large Yellow Bell Pepper, seeds removed, cut into strips
2-3 heads Romaine Hearts, cut into bit sized pieces
1 Avocado, sliced
3/4 C. Cherry tomatoes, halved

Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend together until the garlic is well chopped and ingredients have emulsified.
Refrigerate dressing.

Using the same blender or processor that the vinaigrette was made in(you don’t need to wash it out), place all ingredients for the marinade inside and puree until garlic is finely chopped.
Pour 1/2 of the marinade into a bowl or Ziploc bag and add chicken to the marinade. Pour the other half of the marinade into another bag or bowl and add the sliced onion and peppers to it.
Let marinate overnight or for several hours, if possible. You can also skip letting it marinade and use it immediately. It will still taste great!

Prepare salad plates(or a large bowl) by placing lettuce, sliced avocado, and cherry tomatoes on each plate(or all together in a bowl).
Heat a large sauté pan or wok on high. Add the vegetables(do not add the marinade) to the hot pan and cook quickly, tossing with tongs or a spatula until the veggies are still crisp, but golden brown in spots.
Remove from pan and keep warm. In the same pan on high heat, add the chicken with marinade to the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes, or until chicken is fully cooked and slightly caramelized. Toss with the vegetables.
Top salads with the hot chicken and vegetables. Drizzle with the cilantro lime vinaigrette.

This is a favorite recipe that we discovered on Pinterest and then modified from the following blog which we love:

Acupuncture during Pregnancy

How can Chinese Medicine help with fertility?

Acupuncture brings the body back into balance. Difficulties couples may be facing while trying to get pregnant are often manifestations of these imbalances. Acupuncture and herbs can help prepare your body for a successful pregnancy. Furthermore, studies have shown that women undergoing western fertility treatments have a higher pregnancy rate when the patient is also receiving regular acupuncture.

Will I continue to get acupuncture once pregnant?

Once you are pregnant we will continue to see you for the first trimester to help your body and hormones adjust and give your body the support it needs to support the pregnancy. After that, we typically see pregnant women as needed for whatever might be coming up for them during their pregnancy. For example, we can help with nausea, pain relief, high blood pressure, headaches etc. Around 37 weeks we begin seeing the patient regularly again to prepare the body for birth.

How can acupuncture help turn a mal-position baby?

We use acupuncture and moxibustion on the outside corner of the fifth toenail, also known as Urinary Bladder 67. This point has a specific function of stimulating the uterus. The tonifying and warming effect of the moxibustion on this point promotes activity and movement in the uterus encouraging the baby to turn to a head-down presentation.

How can acupuncture help to induce labor?

There are many acupuncture and acupressure points that are avoided during pregnancy. We use needles and massage to stimulate these points. Many of these points open the hips and the lower back and stimulate uterine contraction while promoting a downward energetic movement to encourage your baby toward the birth canal. It is critical as well to be as relaxed as possible so we use many points to calm the spirit.

How does acupuncture help after I give birth?

After giving birth, the body needs to be replenished. Many fluids are depleted, leaving the mother dehydrated and fatigued. We use acupuncture and herbs to nourish and restore. We specialize in providing support with acupuncture and herbs through all stages of conception, pregnancy and birth while also placing emphasis on the importance of the recovery stages following birth. Our services help the body adjust to the physical and emotional stresses of new motherhood.

Light & Joy Acupuncture Inc.

Chiropractic Adjustment for the Respiratory System

Our office used to have people suffering with terrible allergy symptoms during the spring and winter months . But this article was written in the summer because in California more and more people are having allergies due to growing climate changes and our fire season. One surprising solution to provide relief for breathing issues is chiropractic adjustments. Here are several ways how chiropractic helps on a mechanical level and on the level of the nervous system specifically the autonomic nervous system.

First of all if a rib is not articulating with the mid back vertebrae correctly, there is a mechanical impingement of the rib cage which directly affects the ability to take a full breath. Sometimes if we have a rib misaligned we may never realize there is a problem unless we try and do some deep breathing and realize we are limited. Other times we may have pain that prevents the full breath in and so be restricted that way this may even feel like a sharp pain while taking a full breath in that stops us short.

Secondly, any adjustment that stimulates the nervous system will also stimulate the autonomic nervous system which is split into parasympathetic (relaxation side) and sympathetic (stress response side). In the case of asthma or allergies there is constriction of the bronchi and mucus formation in the trachea. Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system will help by bronchodilating and reducing mucous and this stimulation comes from stimulating a sympathetic chain located in the thoracic vertebra from T1 to L3.  Sympathetic stimulation for the trachea is T1-T4.

Current research states that a chiropractic adjustment will affect the autonomic nervous system when done in the thoracic spine causing a reduction in mucus and bronchodilation. (McCorry, Laurie K., PhD. “A Physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System.” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 71.4 (2007): n. page Web 12 Feb 2013)

So here is how to do a quick check on yourself:

  • Sit up very straight and put your hands on the lower part of your rib cage and take a deep breath in and out. Does your rib cage move evenly if no or unsure?  You would benefit from an adjustment.
  • Can you take a full breath in?
  • Do you have pain with taking a full breath or pain in your rib cage when lying on your side?

If you did answer no to any of the above questions and you also have allergies and asthma, we recommend a semi-regular adjustment especially during the allergy season. It can help manage your symptoms.

Headaches & Acupuncture

Many people suffer from frequent headaches. There are many types of headaches. For treatment to be beneficial it is necessary to differentiate the causative factors. Acupuncture is a safe, drug-free alternative headache treatment without side effects.

Stress induced/tension headaches

Busy lifestyles and work schedules can create high levels of stress. When the body is in a constant or frequent state of stress, blood and qi stagnates in the body. Often, this manifests as a headache. It is important to incorporate stress-reducing activities in your daily life to keep the blood and qi moving smoothly throughout the body. Acupuncture has been shown to greatly reduce stress and promote relaxation. For more on the science behind acupuncture and stress relief, check out this article:

Also, poor ergonomically designed work spaces can create tension in the upper back and neck which can lead to headache. Acupuncture can help headaches caused by postural issues by needling, cupping, or using gua sha to release the affected muscles. However, it is important to note that it will often come back if the posture isn’t corrected.


The cause of migraines can be varied and complex. Therefore, the diagnosis and protocol decided upon by your practitioner can be quite varied as well. It is important for the patient to notice patterns and signs associated with their migraines as acupuncture can be a very effective preemptive tool to prevent the full onset from occurring. At the first sign, call and get an acupuncture appointment as soon as possible.

In treating other types of headaches, it is quite common for needles to be placed on the head and neck. For migraines, the protocol can be quite different. As acupuncture needles promote qi and blood circulation into whatever area of the body they are placed, with migraines we want to draw the energy out of the head and down into the body and lower limbs. If the migraine is especially severe, the patient may not be able to tolerate needles on the head as well.

Headache related to sickness (Head cold/flu)

Varying symptoms guide us to the pattern with which the patient is presenting. Chinese Medicine is very centered around the idea of opposites (i.e. yin/yang, hot/cold etc.) so symptoms such as fever vs. chills (or both alternating) or dry vs. productive cough help to point the practitioner in the right direction. Once the correct diagnosis is made, herbs and points can help address the symptoms and many others including headache.

The location of the pain on the head indicates which channels are affected. Needling specific points along these channels can greatly and in many times instantly alter, decrease, or eliminate the headache.

Cycle-related headache

Some women experience headaches before, during, and/or after menstruation. The timing of a headache in relationship to a woman’s cycle can indicate different pathology patterns. The location of the headache also gives us as practitioners a lot of insight about the channels that are affected. For more in depth information on the varying types of menstrual headaches and useful herbal combinations, go here:

Red flag headaches

If you have any of the following types of headaches you should seek urgent medical care.

  • Thunderclap
  • Sudden onset with severe pain
  • Headache accompanied by fever or neck pain
  • Onset after the age of 50
  • Neurological signs (confusion, change in personality, unconsciousness)
  • Following a neck injury or adjustment

Tips for avoiding headaches

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid alcohol, coffee, and chocolate
  • Introduce meditation or other stress-reducing activities into your life
  • Get regular acupuncture!!

As always, with our medicine, prevention is a key component. The more in-balance your body is, the less likely you are to suffer from pain of any kind.

What is a Detox and why should I do one?

Our body has a built in detoxification system that allows us to get rid of unwanted particles that build up from our own natural processes – examples include using our muscles, hormones and other naturally occurring duties that our body performs. The goal of a detox is to reduce the amount of toxins we put into our body and thus optimize our bodies own detoxification system.

Why should I Detox?

Doing a detox periodically or setting habits that help you eliminate waste on a daily basis has been found to be essential and only becomes more critical as we have more and more toxins that bombard our bodies in our modern lifestyles. There are also periods of time in our lives where a detox is needed to clear out hormonal changes (menopause, postpartum, puberty) Here is a small list of common items that can cause an increase in toxins within our body that are part of our everyday lives:

  • Plastics
  • Meats – even organic animals will still contain hormones which may be greater than our bodies needs)
  • Rubber
  • Cosmetics and lotions
  • Household products
  • Construction materials
  • Fungus and Mold
  • Pesticides
  • Carpets
  • Dry cleaning
  • Burning Fuels
  • BBQ food

And the list goes on.

What are the different types of detox?

  • The different types of detox’s depend on which organ you are targeting. Here is a list by organ:
    Liver – this is the main blood cleaner in your body so any hormone or metabolite that is in the bloodstream will pass through the liver. This is the main reason a liver cleanse is the most common. Detox’s rich in antioxidants are the best choice.
  • Kidney – Cleanse both blood and urine of toxins allowing things to be processed out through our urine. Detox’s that include drinking lots of water are always a good choice.
  • Gallbladder – This is where bile is stored which breaks down fat and allows it to empty. A detox for this has to contain a good oil most commonly used is olive oil.
  • Intestines – They process food as well as hormones and other metabolites, which clear through the feces. Detox’s that focus on herbs that have a mild laxative effect as well as high fiber are a good choice.
  • Lungs – Lungs are important as they filter anything that we breathe and some of these things can go into the bloodstream. Doing a lung detox is about learning how to do quality breathing using oregano or eucalyptus stems and perhaps a change of location to a place such as by the ocean that has very clean air.

These detox’s can be made more efficient by adding herbs and other vitamins and minerals. Please contact our office so that one of our doctor’s can help you choose a cleanse that is right for you.

How often should I do a detox?

Without knowing each and every one of my patients’ cases, the answer is generally 1-2 times per year, but this number can go up drastically if you have hormone imbalances, illness and disease currently attacking your body. This is something to talk to your doctor about. There are daily detox practices that we do recommend and they are listed below:

  • Exercise – it pumps out waste in your bloodstream and allows you to sweat releasing more toxins
  • Eating Veggies – eat as many as you possibly can forever and always
  • Drinking Lemon Water – start the morning with hot water and fresh squeezed lemon
  • Drink more water
  • Reduce smoke exposure
  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Reduce meat consumption

What are the common Detox myths?

  • Liquid diets can push out toxins faster – they can but they are a quick fix so make sure you are doing a long term daily detox.
  • Drinking tons of water will detoxify your body – while it is good for the kidney and liver you can actually over do water leading to fatigue and vomiting.
  • Replacing meals with powdered drinks is a good detox – while smoothies and juices can help. Increase the green veggies which helps detox many of the premade detox powders don’t actually help you achieve body balance.
  • Detoxing means not exercising – while this can be true for a day or two, detoxes that are so harsh that you aren’t able to allow your body to naturally sweat eliminate one of the best ways to release toxins. This method is not generally recommended.

When should I Not detox?

Here is a small list of some conditions that are not recommended to detox:

  • Chemo Patients
  • Major illness
  • Around your period
  • Under weight
  • IBS, Diverticulitis, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis (many cleanses may cause pain and irritation but not all)

Whatever detox method you use, always use common sense and if you need help, our office can help you select a detox that is right for you.

Recognizing the signs of Postpartum depression

Before I was pregnant, I had volunteered at an event called Jenny’s Light and it is NOT named after me. It is a foundation created to bring awareness to postpartum depression something that affects 1 in 7 women and can range from very mild to very severe. In the case of Jenny, she took her own life and her family created a foundation to help prevent that from happening to anyone else’s family.

It’s important to recognize the signs in our friends and loved ones. It affects so many women. When a couple is in my office, I always make sure the significant other is aware of the signs. Often the new mom will not see the signs and know that it’s happening. See below for a basic list of the most common signs of postpartum depression:

  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness
  • Irritability
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Crying
  • Reduced concentration
  • Appetite problems
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Depressed mood or severe mood swings
  • Difficulty bonding with the baby
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Loss of appetite or eating much more than usual
  • Inability to sleep (insomnia) or sleeping too much
  • Overwhelming fatigue or loss of energy
  • Reduced interest and pleasure in activities usually enjoyed
  • Intense irritability and anger
  • Fear that you’re not a good mother
  • Feelings of worthlessness, shame, guilt or inadequacy
  • Diminished ability to think clearly, concentrate or make decisions
  • Thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

There are many resources to help with identifying postpartum depression:
One of my favorite quizzes that is one that the new mom can take or a partner can take for her is here:

Help Resource guide:

Treatment options:

  • Medication
  • Acupuncture and herbs
  • Counseling
  • Support groups

Supporting the cause:

This is a great cause that you can join and either donate, race or volunteer. Our office has a booth every year trying to help create awareness about this issue that can affect many women. Come and join us each May for the 5K race at Vasona Park in Los Gatos to help prevent future postpartum tragedies.

Hearty Lentil Stew

1 1/2 Tbl olive oil
1 cup chopped onion
3 garlic cloves, minced
5 cups fat-free, less-sodium chicken stock
1 cup dried lentils
1/2 cup chopped carrot
2 bay leaves
3 cups chopped kale
1 1/2 cups chopped baking potato
1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes, drained
1 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp black pepper
3 Tbl chopped fresh parsley
1 cup fried turkey bacon

Heat oil in a Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic; sauté 5 minutes. Add broth, lentils, carrot, and bay leaves; bring to a boil. Partially cover, reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes.
Add Kale, potato; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer 15 minutes or until potato is tender.
Stir in tomatoes, basil, thyme, and pepper; simmer 10 minutes. Discard bay leaves. Sprinkle with parsley and 1 cup of fried turkey bacon.

Based on recipe from Ken Haedrich of Cook Light but revised by Dr. Walker

Shoulder pain and decreased range of motion

What are the causes of some shoulder pain?

Rotator cuff injury – tears or strains to the rotator cuff muscles
Rotator cuff tendinitis – this is inflammation of one of the rotator cuff muscles usually by overuse.
Frozen shoulder syndrome (adhesive capsulitis)
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Rotator Cuff impingement syndrome
Tenosynovitis (inflammation of the tendon sheath)
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Slipped Disc
Lung Cancer
Heart attack
Ectopic Pregnancy

Sometimes the causes of pain are due to an injury whether from a repetitive motion or trauma, even more rare is when it is due to a referred pain like ectopic pregnancy or heart attack that refers into the arm and shoulder (these are less common and are a medical emergency).

What is the rotator cuff?

The rotator cuff is made up of 4 muscles, the ball and socket joint and capsule and 2 bones.

Bones: Scapula, humerus
Muscles: Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis muscle.
Joint: The ball and socket joint is where the scapula and the humerus meet and they have a capsule encasing them with capsular ligaments (ligaments attach bone to bone) and then again encased by the tendons of the 4 muscles listed above.

What are the most common injuries?

1. Rotator Cuff Tendinitis – is by far the most common of the injuries and it is when you repetitively do a motion like painting, keyboard work at a computer or throwing a ball like a pitcher. The tendon usually near its insertion onto the humerus will become hot, painful and swollen.

2. Rotator Cuff Tear – often occurs after tendonitis has been present for sometime or some other wear and tear that finally causes the tendon or muscle to snap leaving the arm weaker.
3. Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)–is by far more common in women and usually around the 40’s and 50 years of age. The humerus usually adheres to the scapula and the muscular capsule becomes adhesive like glue making reaching things over the head difficult or sometimes even impossible. There is no known direct cause for this condition.

4. Rotator Cuff Impingement syndrome–when one of the 4 muscles talked about earlier becomes pinched by usually a bony prominence of the scapula. The most common muscle of the 4 for this to occur to is the supraspinatus.

5. Osteoarthritis–when the bones start to develop signs of wear and tear showing an increase in bone on some parts of the humerus and scapula and a decrease of bone on other parts.

How is my shoulder pain diagnosed?

The most common type of diagnostic tools are orthopedic tests like the painful arc test (lifting the arm from your side to beyond 90 degrees). Physical or manual muscle tests are performed to see if there is a weakness present in the muscle or if pain occurs suggesting damage. X Rays are done to see if there is arthritis followed by MRI’s to see if there are muscle tears or inflammation.

How is shoulder pain treated?

Chiropractic care does testing to determine if there is a misalignment of the humerus or scapula and also the thoracic and cervical vertebra as they are a common area that refers pain into the shoulder. They will re-align the area, do muscle work and give at home exercises. If home exercises are not enough or the patient is unwilling to do them, we will refer the patient to a physical therapist for treatment.
Physical therapy will work to reduce inflammation and pain and strengthen the rotator cuff muscles as well as the trunk muscles so that misalignment is corrected and future injury is prevented.
Injections done by a pain specialist or an orthopedic surgeon are done in connection with physical therapy or chiropractic care and it is used to stop inflammation that allows for healing.
Surgery is done when repair of a muscle tear is needed and it can be open surgery or arthroscopic.
Acupuncture is done to break the pain cycle and is helpful in cases with arthritis and tendonitis.

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