Homemade Moldable Ice pack

Making your own ice pack is a great economic solution to buying the more expensive versions.  It is also nice to make one so that you don’t ruin your bags of peas during a more acute injury that requires regular ice treatments. We use rubbing alcohol since it is cheap and it drops the freezing point of the water allowing it to stay moldable so that it will take the shape of the body part that you are placing it on.

  • 2 parts water : 1 part alcohol (Use a measuring cup)
  • Place a quart sized or larger freezer bag in a bowl
  • Label the freezer bag so that the contents are not consumed by anyone in your household.
  • Pour the liquid into the freezer bag. Make sure that you remove as much air as possible so that the bag will seal properly.  Make sure to fill bag only ½ full as things expand a bit when frozen.
  • Double bag the freezer bag so no leaks occur.
  • Place in the freezer and wait at least 3 hours before using.
  • Store the ice pack in the freezer until needed.

Homeopathic Labor Kit

Homeopathic Labor Kit

37 Weeks to Labor:  

  1. Cimifuga Racemosa
  2. Gelsemium Sempervirens
  3. Coulophyllum Thalictroides
  4. Arnica Montana
  5. Pulsatilla

Take each 1x per week on separate days and use 30ch dosage, do 4 pellets each.

This combo has been associated with reducing difficult labors when the research was done versus a placebo group. The placebo group had an average of 8.7 hours of labor – with 40% difficult labor. The homeopathic group experienced an average of 5.1 hours of labor – 11% with difficult labor.

During Labor:

  1. Catnip Tincture 1 dropper-full every 30 minutes.
  2. Arnica:  200 c every hour (3 pellets) – used for bruising, swelling and takes the edge off.
  3. Blue Cohosh: Coulophyllum -200c every 15 min. (3 pellets) – used for weak contractions.
  4. Black Cohosh: Cimifuga 200 c every 15 min. (3 pellets) – used for electric shock-like pain during labor or the feeling of “I can’t go through with it.”
  5. Gelsemium:  200 c every 15 min. (3 pellets) – used for flu like symptoms or stage fright, “ I can’t do this moment” toward the end of labor.
  6. Pulsatilla:  200 c every 15 min. (3 pellets )- for emotion, anxiety, sensitivity to pain, needing air and lack of thirst.
  7. Kali Carbonicum:  200 c every 15 min. (3 pellets) – for back labor and posterior birth.
  8. Ignatia Amara: 30 c every 15 min. (3 pellets) – for emotional state, grief or excessive crying.

Post partum:

  1. Blue Cohosh: Colaphylum  200 c every day (3 pellets) – for breast feeding and after birth PMS.
  2. Arnica: 200k 3x a day for 5 days (3 pellets)- for pain, bruising, swelling.
  3. Bellisperanus:  200 c every day (3 pellets) – following C-section.
  4. Staphasagria:  200 c every daily (3 pellets) – for episiotomy stitches or C-section.
  5. Silica: 200 c every day (3 pellets) – helps with breast-feeding.
  6. Castor: equivalent 200 c every day (3 pellets) – for sore and cracked nipples.

