The Effects of Vitamin, Mineral and Amino Acid Deficiencies
The most common vitamin deficiency in America is Vitamin D. However, in a study done by William Shive at University of Texas at Austin, they found that 50% of people taking supplements are still deficient in some vitamins. The deficiencies are because the supplements and vitamins may or may not be bio-available; meaning that you are taking something your body isn’t actually absorbing. The most common deficiencies are:
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin D
- Folate
- Vitamin E
- Calcium
- Magnesium
These deficiencies are even more common in people who spend a significant amount of time in intense athletic activities or people who take a number of pharmaceutical drugs. The following may cause deficiencies:
- Pregnancy and breast feeding
- Poor diet
- Frequent alcohol consumption
- Pharmaceutical Drugs
- Birth control pills
- Diuretics
- Diabetic drugs
- Anti-viral agents
- Cardiovascular drugs
- Antacids
- Antibiotics
- Cholesterol medications
- Anti-depressants
- Female hormones
- Anticonvulsants
- Chemotherapy
- Intense sports activity
- Marathon runners
- Tri-athletes
- Professional athletes
- New Years resolution exercisers
- Long hours indoors for work
We highly recommend that a patient who has some of the following symptoms consider a Micronutrient panel. This test will measure vitamins and minerals, amino acids and anti-oxidants to ensure that the vitamins taken are enough to prevent deficiencies, and are appropriate for the patient’s individual needs. The following symptoms may be due to deficiencies:
- Anemia
- Hot flashes
- Psoriasis and eczema
- Fatigue
- Cramping (menstrual or muscular)
- Dizziness
- Osteoporosis
- General weakness
- Skin changes
- Infertility issues
- Depression
- Sleep problems
- Confusion
- Stress intolerance
- Nervousness and irritability
- Muscle spams
- Excessive bruising or bleeding without clotting.
A simple blood test can be done in your home with one of our recommended mobile phlebotomists. Moms, desk jockeys as well as professional athletes have taken this test allowing them to make adjustments that maximize their health and improve any symptoms of deficiency. If you have any questions you can call or stop by the office.